for the pendant i'm thinking something like this:
but seriously though, can a room really be finished? just something to ponder on.. hehe
anyway, for dining, i decided to go black for main furniture with a splash of whites and grays with a hint of brown.
here are some before and after shots:
- wine rack stained in black.. might be a tad too black tho...
- hall table painted in black and varnished (silly me bought matt black paint)
- dining chairs reupholstered
- also, as i was pulling down the old curtains in the nursery, i noticed the once were blue tie backs have faded quite nicely into silver.. and thought they might go well with my new white curtains in the dining :)
then i thought, hmmm not sure about the gold though.. what if i painted them white....
they are now hanging very happily in their new home :)
there are still a bit of faded blue here n there to it but i think it gives the tie back some sort of character
and without further ado.. my dining room :)
so far........ haha
will be posting on reupholstery steps soon
ciao for now!xox
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